Jimson Weed - Uses and Side Effects
The ripe seeds and flowers without leaves are also used. Seeds are small, long, flat, and dark yellow to brown. Jimson weed's primary action isanticholinergic, caused by 0.1 % to 0.6% atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. All parts of the plant contain these compounds, but the highest concentration is in the seeds. Anticholinergic levels in other plant parts vary from year to year and from plant to plant. The alkaloids are readily absorbed across GI mucous membranes and across the respiratory tract. Anticholinergic effects usually occur within 60 minutes and may last 24 to 48 hours because of impaired GI motility.Safety Risk Jimson weed is listed as an unsafe herb by FDA. It isn't recommended for routine therapeutic use.Reported usesJimson weed is used to treat asthma and cough from bronchitis or influenza, usually by smoking cigarettes made from the leaves. It's also used to treat disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Little data exist to support routine therapeutic...